Truthfulness of Ahmadiyyat and 73 Sects

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

Link: 73 Divisions in Islam and One True Jama’at

Link: Urdu – 7 September 1974 – The Decisive Day

Abdullah bin Amar (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Surely things will happen to my people as happened earlier to Israelites, they will resemble each other like one shoe in a pair resembles the other to the extent that if anyone among the Israelites has openly committed adultery to his mother there will be some who will do this in my Ummah as well, verily the Israelites were divided into 72 sections but my people will be divided into 73 sections, all of them will be in the fire except one.” The companions asked, ‘Who are they O Messenger of Allah,’ Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “They are those who will be like me and my companions.“