Poem – What should I call you my God?

Khwaja Ghulam Farid (1845–1901) was a 19th-century Punjabi Sufi poet of the Indian subcontinent. He was a scholar and writer who knew several different languages. He belonged to Chishti–Nizami Sufi order. He was born in and died at Chachran town and was buried at Mithankot, Punjab, Pakistan.

Hadhrat Khwaja Ghulam Fareed, Sajjadah Nasheen of Chachrhan Sharif says in regards to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi a.s:

“Hadhrat Mirza Sahib spends all his time in worshipping God, the Exalted and the Majestic: either he is engaged in the daily prayer, or recitation of the Holy Qur’an, or keeps himself occupied in other religious tasks. And he has set about to defend Islam with such high resolve that he has invited even the Empress of the British Empire to accept Islam. Similarly, he has sent the message of Islam to the monarchs of Russia, France and other kingdoms. All his efforts and endeavours are geared towards ensuring that people must abandon the doctrine of Trinity and the Cross—which is unequivocal disbelief—and accept the Oneness of God. But look at the predicament of contemporary religious divines that they have completely overlooked the actions of all the other false religions and have rallied against such a righteous man who hails from Ahle Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah, adheres to the straight path and guides others to it. And they issue edicts of heresy (fatwa-e-kufr) against him! Look at his Arabic works which surpass human contrivance: all his works are permeated with profound perceptions, truths, and spiritual guidance. He is certainly not a disbeliever in the essentials of the practice of Ahle Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah and of the Faith.” [Isharaat-e-Fareedi, vol. 3, pp. 69-70. Translated from Persian]

: خواجہ غلام فرید صاحب کا کلام

اے حسن حقیقی نورِ ازل
O’ Essential Beauty! The Primordial Light!

تینوں واجب تے اِمکان کہوں
May I describe you as the Necessity and the Possibility?

تینوں خالق ذات قدیم کہوں
May I describe you as the Creator, the Beginningless Essence?

تینوں حادث خلق جہان کہوں
May I describe you as the Originator of the created worlds?

تینوں مُطلق محض وجود کہوں
May I describe you as the Nondelimited and the Delimited Being?

تینوں علمیہ اعیان کہوں
May I describe you as the three degrees of knowledge?

ارواح نفوس عقول کہوں
May I describe you as the souls, the egos and the intellects,

اشباح عیان نہان کہوں
May I describe you as the imbued manifest, and the imbued hidden,

تینوں عین حقیقت ماہیت
May I describe you as the essential Reality and its quintessence?
تینوں عرض صفت تے شان کہوں
May I describe you as the contingent, an attribute and glory?
انواع کہوں اوضاع کہوں
May I describe you as the variety, and the circumstance,
اطوار کہوں اوزان کہوں
May I describe you as the demeanor, and the measure,

تینوں عرش کہوں افلاک کہوں
May I describe you as the throne and the firmament,

تینوں ناز نعیم جنان کہوں
May I describe you as the demurring delights of Paradise,

تینوں تت جماد نبات کہوں
May I describe you as mineral and vegetable,

حیوان کہوں انسان کہوں
May I describe you as animal and human,

تینوں مسجد مندر دیر کہوں
May I describe you as Mosque, Temple and Church?

تینوں پوتھی تے قرآن کہوں
May I describe you as Veda and Qur’an

تسبیح کہوں زُنار کہوں
May I describe you as rosary? May I describe you as cross thread?

تینوں کفر کہوں ایمان کہوں
May I describe you as infidelity? May I describe you as faith

تینوں بادل برکھا گاج کہوں
May I describe you as the clouds, the flash, the thunder,

تینوں بجلی تے باران کہوں
May I describe you as the lightning and the downpour,

تینوں آب کہوں تے خاک کہوں
May I describe you as water and earth,

تینوں باد کہوں نِیران کہوں
May I describe you as the gust and the inferno,

تینوں دسرت لچھمن رام کہوں
May I describe you as Dasrat, Lachman and Ram?

تینوں سیتا جی جانان کہوں
May I describe you as my beloved Sita

بلدیو جسودا نند کہوں
May I describe you as Baldev, Jaswada and Nand?

تینوں کشن کنیہا کان کہوں
May I describe you as Krishan, Kanaya and Kaan

تینوں برما بشن گنیش کہوں
May I describe you as Barma, Bishan and Ganesh?

مہا دیو کہوں بھگوان کہوں
May I describe you as Mahadev? May I describe you as Bhagwan

تینوں گیت گرنتھ تے وید کہوں
May I describe you as Gita, Granth and Veda?

تینوں گیان کہوں اگیان کہوں
May I describe you as knowledge? May I describe you as ignorance

تینوں آدم حوا شیث کہوں
May I describe you as Adam, Eve and Seth,

تینوں نوح کہوں طوفان کہوں
May I describe you as Noah and the deluge,

تینوں ابراہیم خلیل کہوں
May I describe you as Abraham, Eve and Seth,

تینوں موسی بن عمران کہوں
May I describe you as Moses son of Amran,

تینوں ہر دل دا دلدار کہوں
May I describe you as the beloved of every heart?

تینوں احمدؐ عالی شان کہوں
May I describe you as Ahmad, the majestic and the splendid

تینوں شاہد ملک حجاز کہوں
May I describe you as the witness in the city of Hejaz?

تینوں باعث کون مکان کہوں
May I describe you as the raison d’etre of the cosmos

تینوں ناز کہوں انداز کہوں
May I describe you as admiration or prognosis,

تینوں حور پری غِلمان کہوں
May I describe you as Nymph, fairy, and the young lad,

تینوں نوک کہوں تینوں ٹوک کہوں
May I describe you as the tip and the nip,

تینوں سرخی کجلہ پان کہوں
May I describe you as the redness of betel leaves,

تینوں طبلہ تے تنبور کہوں
May I describe you as the Tabla and Tanpura,

تینوں ڈھولک سُر تے تان کہوں
May I describe you as the drum, the notes and the improvisation,

تینوں حُسن تے ہار سنگار کہوں
May I describe you as beauty and the fragrant flower,

تینوں عشوہ غمزہ آن کہوں
May I describe you as Coyness and that amorous glance,

تینون عشق کہوں تینوں علم کہوں
May I describe you as Love and knowledge,

تینوں وہم یقین گمان کہوں
May I describe you as superstition, belief, and conjecture,

تینون حسن قوی ادراک کہوں
May I describe you as the beauty of power, and conception,

تینوں ذوق کہوں وجدان کہوں
May I describe you as aptitude and ecstasy,

تینوں سکر کہوں سکران کہوں
May I describe you as intoxication and the drunk,

تینوں حیرت تے حیران کہوں
May I describe you as amazement and the amazed,

تسلیم کہوں تلوین کہوں
May I describe you as submission and the connection,

تمکین کہوں عرفان کہوں
May I describe you as Compliance and Gnosticism,

تینون سنبل سوسن سرو کہوں
May I describe you as the Hyacinth, the Lilly, and the Cypress,

تینوں نرگس نافرمان کہوں
May I describe you as the rebellious Narcissus,

تینوں لالہ داغ تے باغ کہوں
May I describe you as the bereaved Tulip, the Rose garden, and the orchard,

گلزار کہوں بستان کہوں
May I describe you as the dagger, the lance, and the rifle,

تینوں خنجر تیر تفنگ کہوں
May I describe you as the dagger, the lance, and the rifle,

تینوں برچھا بانک سنان کہوں
May I describe you as the hail, the bullet, the spear,

تینوں تیر خدنگ کمان کہوں
May I describe you as the arrows made of white poplar, and the bow,

سوفار کہوں پیکان کہوں
May I describe you as the arrow-notch, and the arrowhead,

بے رنگ کہوں بے مثل کہوں
May I describe you as the Colourless? May I describe you as the Incomparable?

بے صورت ہر ہر آن کہوں
May I describe you as the Formless, at each and every moment (transcendence in immanence or pure duration in serial time)

سبوح کہوں قدوس کہوں
May I describe you as the Praised One? May I describe you as the Pure?

رحمان کہون سبحان کہوں
May I describe you as the Merciful? May I describe you as the Glory

کر توبہ ترت فرید سدا
Farid! Quicken to repent once for all.

ہر شے نوں پر نقصان کہوں
I consider each of the descriptions fraught with harmful implications (highly deficient in describing the Essence that transcends even transcendence)

تینوں پاک الکھ بے عیب کہوں
I describe Him as the Pure and the Transcendent, without any imperfection.

تینوں حق بے نام نشان کہوں
I describe Him as the Nameless Truth without signs.