بسم الله الرحمٰن الرحيم
إن صلاتي و نسكي و محياي و مماتي لله رب العالمين
A person can be known for different things among different circles of people, and still not be his complete identity. So who am I? I am still a work in progress. I am aspiring to attain to God and I might be a Mutasawwif (متصوف).* I am not aiming to become a Sufi Master, but hopefully a friend of Allah.
One of the things that I do is call people to God.
This blog is dedicated to Islamic Ahmadiyya spirituality, often referred to as Islamic mysticism or Sufism, (i.e., tasawwuf or Haqiqat-e-Islam, etc.).

If you are very orthodox, don’t worry I am not going to make any claims of being spiritually this or that… or steal away the greatness of the predecessors or start some new movement. I try to live by فلا تزکوا انفسکم “So, do not claim yourselves to be pure” (53:32)
This is not an official website of any community. If you want to leave a comment or give me any suggestion, feel free to message me through the contact page.
Because of the relatively informal nature of this blog, please take it easy; there is no need to issue fatwas [verdicts] against me for dancing my clumsy dance. Life is too short. Constructive suggestions are always welcome.
Favorite Quote:
الْكَلِمَةُ الْحِكْمَةُ ضَالَّةُ الْمُؤْمِنِ فَحَيْثُ وَجَدَهَا فَهُوَ أَحَقُّ بِهَا
“A word of wisdom is the lost property of the believer, so wherever he finds it, he is more worthy of it.”
(The Holy Prophet Muhammad, s.a.w.)
“Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death.” – Rumi
*… There are three kinds of people: the Sufi, the Mutasawwif, and the Mustasawif.
- The Sufi (صوفی) is he that is dead to self and living by the Truth; he has escaped from the grip of human faculties and has really attained to God.
- The Mutasawwif (متصوف) is he that seeks to reach this rank by means of self-mortification (mujahadat) and in his search rectifies his conduct in accordance with the Prophets.a.w‘s example.
- The Mustasawif (مستصوف) is he that makes himself like the Sufis for sake of power and money and wealth and worldly advantage but has no knowledge of these two things.
Therefore, the Sufi is a man of union (sahib-e-wasal صاحبِ وصل), the Mutasawwif a man of principles (sahib-e-usul صاحبِ اصول) and the Mustaswif a man of superflutities (sahib-e-fudul صاحبِ فضول).

Friday Sermon, 13 December 1991
یہ بات پیش کرنے کا مقصد صرف حکمت کی بات کو واضع کرنے کے لئے ہے
میرا اقبال کی تشہیر کرنے کا کوئی ارادہ نہیں ہے
اے خدا ہمیں یبوسی، قنوطییی، تنگ نظر، خشک مولی، کھوکھلے فلسفی، متکبر اور نہ شکرے لوگوں سے بچانا۔ آمین۔